Friday, February 22, 2008

You know it's cold when....

#1 - it's 28 degrees outside and you think "wow, I don't even need a coat"
#2 - it's 28 degrees outside and you think "hey! let's go on a walk"
#3 - it's 28 degrees outside and you start halluconating that there are buds on the trees
#4 - it's 28 degrees outside and there are bathing suits hanging on the racks at every store (ok, that one didn't make sense but really, it's like a cruel joke - as if the bathing suit itself wasn't a cruel joke already!)
#5 - it's 28 degrees outside and you're so excited that it's warming up.....

#6-#10 are for you to fill in - I'm sure you have some good ones! Please share

this is so twisted!

#6 - you don't even attempt to go outside because even though you havnen't looked at the weather you just assume it's too cold to even take the trash out!!!! (TRACEY S. - in a round about way)
#7 - it's 28 degrees outside and you consider packing up all your winter clothes for the season (CASSIE)
#8 - it's 28 degrees outside and no body asked if my feet cold when they notice I'm wearing flip flops (TARA)
#9 - Six weeks ago we moved to South Korea. The average temp is 28ish. We have had Baskin Robbins 4 times in 6 weeks. I am thinking it is because it is one of the few things I can read and recognize but it is really nice that the ice cream doesn't run and melt everywhere. (GINGER)
#10 - it's 28 degrees outside and I am considering moving my swing set inside and my couch outside because, let's face it, our swing set is oh so lonely and our couch is oh so abused. (AMANDA M.)

good job ladies!!!! that was fun!


Tracey said...

I didn't get them memo that we are in the midst of a heat wave today, which is why it's 2:45 pm and I haven't even taken this bag of trash from my kitchen to the garbage can in in the unheated, but attached garage. I think I'll get dressed, take out the trash, and walk to the mailbox. Thanks for the inspiration!

Cassie said...

it's 28 degrees outside and you are considering packing away your winter clothes for the year!! (that one was on my blog today!! :)

Tera said...

it's 28 degrees outside and no body asked if my feet are cold. (I have adversions to shoes and the time they take so I have been quite comfortable in my flip flops all winter, even when it is -25 degrees.)

Anonymous said...

It's 28 degrees outside and I am considering moving my swing set inside and my couch outside because, lets face it, our swing set is oh so lonely and our couch is oh so abused.


Anonymous said...

okay, mine has a slight twist..
Six weeks ago we moved to South KOrea. The average temp is 28ish. We have had Baskin Robbins 4 times in 6 weeks. I am thinking it is because it is one of the few things I can read and recognize but it is really nice that the ice cream doesn't run and melt everywhere.
Give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I have another one...

It is 28 degrees outside and you overhear someone say, "I hope it is nice like this tomorrow." It is all about perspective, because really, 28 degrees is still four degrees below freezing.

Anonymous said...

this definately maybe made my day today! :)

Anonymous said...

this definately maybe made my day today! :)