(not pictured: chicken noodle soup - it was warming up on the stove already!)
that was just too cool and I had to have a picture of it so that I could remember what to pack for the next girl!
I'm Holly, mom and wife to this chaotic crew. We are one homeschooling, military, Jesus-loving, girly family. I'm an Army brat who married and AirForce guy. I've lived 12 different places. I've loved them all. I'm a homeschool graduate now homeschooling my own girls. Yes, they are close in age, yes they are twins, yes they are identical, no they do not run in our family, no we're not 'going' for the boy. Yes, my hands are full and I wouldn't change a thing.
Nice! Good job Tina!
I think you should be complimented on the tidiness of your counters. If I was sick at home alone with 4 kids (or even my 2) my counters would be a decoupage of bills, peanut butter and dish cloths! You are doing something right girl, keep on keeping on.
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