Monday, April 28, 2008


My friend Kim came this morning to watch the kids for a couple of hours and everyone was playing so well that she stayed even longer and we got to have some conversation as well.

What are the odds? Kim also has four kids. Kim also had the four kids in 3 or less years. Kim also has 2 older and the younger ones are twins. She had one boy thrown into the mix of girls, her twins were much more premature than mine and she's about two years ahead of me - those are the big differences but even those aren't big enough to keep us from looking at each other and saying:
'phew...there is someone who gets all these little nuances!'

I, quite often, wonder how hard it is to be around our family....for playgroups, for dinner parties, for restaurants, etc?

The noise level is very high, the fighting is almost constant, the needs are endless, I am constantly needing help and the energy level along with that can be very overwhelming. Particularly if you are a one or two kid family (which most of America is, which means most of my buddies are!)
I do have the coolest friends ever, as mentioned many times last week, so they never let on that they are stressed out or that they would rather just have 'quieter' playgroup times but I can just see it on their faces (partly because it's the occasional look on my face)!

But today, with my dear sent-from-above friend Kim, it was different.
I didn't wonder, I didn't stress that we might be bothering anyone, I didn't get embarrassed when I realized that someone had been crying for 3 or 4 minutes before it registered that they might need something or be hurt, I didn't care that something was confusing or out of place at the house, she just knew and it was a 'non subject'.

I'm not ready to trade in all my other friends, I am just thankful for cool things from the Hands of God like this one.....a kindred spirit in the truest form!

p.s. we have both confirmed that Irish twins ARE MUCH HARDER than twins. I get that question a lot and I'm sure she does too - we are in agreement though, twins aren't as hard - just thought I'd put that out there to validate anyone who needed it!


Courtney said...

So in other words...Lydia & Samantha fight more than Nora & Sophie?! Is there a term for kids 1 1/2 yrs.apart, cause my kids fight all the time!?! =)

Stacy said...

What a blessing to have a empathetic friend who has been there and done that. Maybe one day you'll be that to someone else who is just starting their journey. I love connecting with people who have similar much easier to handle life that way!! awesome.

Naomi Haverland said...

What are Irish twins? Does that mean something different than just twins that are Irish? Are you Irish?

Holly said...

Irish (or sometimes Mexican) twins are technically kids that are 10 months apart but it seems to be used a little broader than that - it's like 10 to 12 months apart.
(it's Catholic slang ;-)

and I'm Swedish/Danish so no, not Irish!

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

It is such a lift to my spirit when I have some time with someone who just "gets me"! I'm so thankful for that too :)

Coolestmommy said...

I'm so glad you are honest and real enough to share those 'little things' with us. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only mom who can tune out crying kids at different times.
Praying for you daily!

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't get your world but I learn from it constantly. Thanks for sharing it. We all have insecurities, I think people think I am weird because I only have one and I worry that people think I am being overprotective or that Em is spoiled because it is just her. Insecurities plague all of us.