Thursday, May 1, 2008

bring 'em home

my good friend Jody....who got me started blogging by the way....
is anxiously awaiting the word to go get her babies from Sierra Leone....there they are:

but they need to be HERE. so, even when the word comes that she and her husband can GO it will cost lots and lots of money.

I don't know about you but I'm always wondering 'what can I do?' to be a part of the solution in war torn, third world, starving countries.

Today I did something. I bought a cute bag. YOU CAN TOO!!!


EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO GET ONE!!! Not only are they stinkin' adorable but they are a SOLUTION.

No pressure ;-)


amy smith said...

GOOD JOB HOLLY! Thanks for plugging the bags... and a solution, I LOVE that.

Cassie said...

yes, a solution. very good holly! i LOVE my bag as well!! so excited for everyone to be walking around sporting one of these and opening doors for lots of questions!! :)