Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm over it.

The snow.
We have had a week of 40-50 degree weather.
Now it's OVER.

4-6 inches of snow just in the last 3 hours and more to come.
I tried to drive in it, got a mile out and turned around to come home.
I am not afraid to drive in the snow, have a huge truck like car and 4WD and I still came home.
It's cold in this house no matter what we do.

I'm OVER this.
over over over.


Missy said...

Yeah-I'm right there with ya. This is just cruel.

Cassie said...

so does that mean no coffee until the snow goes away?
cruel indeed...

Cassie said...

oops...that was just me, cassie.
technical difficulties! :)