Thursday, July 30, 2009

VBS and all the deep thoughts along with it!

Lydia and Samantha went to their first VBS (last week - I'm a little behind) with some of their buddies, Claire (not pictured - throwing a tantrum ;-) and Sydaliegh.

(Sydaliegh and Samantha had a good time, they really really did - they are just staring at Claire right here ;-)

Samantha, I LOVE IT....just because everyone else is sitting down, does not mean you have to - and at almost 4 yrs old, you already know that .... oh you make me smile kid!
She stood there forever!

Samantha far left, Lydia far right - look what the teachers are doing and my girls interpretation of that....I'm smiling again.

hello! Lydia!

and all the loot - MAN, they got a LOT of stuff.

Nora and Sophie hangin' with mama on the carousel (before Nora freaked out, of course, because that's what Nora does.)

deep thoughts:

#1 - I was almost bored with just Nora and Sophie around. They are two year old twins, I know, but the energy level without their sisters dropped so low that it was almost like being alone. They had each other, they had nothing to fight over or compete with, and so I was all by my lonesome.
It was almost too adorable to see - I kept crying ;-)
A happy cry, of course, I was just reminded of how cool the design of families are and how extra special cool the design of twins were.
My prayer over them, constantly, is that they'd be each other's best encourager and accountability partner.
They are just two cool gals.

we shopped, we ran errands, we went on drives, we took long walks in the Old Market, we went to the zoo and rode the carousel (because when you only have two little ones you can do stuff like that!!! I can't normally. OH! and this was the only thing I took a picture of - what was I thinking!??), we brought daddy and his co-workers coffee and had time to spare.

it was weird to have time to spare!

#2 - I missed my big girls.
I hated getting out the door every morning. We weren't rushed, it was from 9-12pm so not crazy early but just as we were gearing up to start our day, there they went.
I did NOT like that. And not in the - "I'm so scared for them" way, I wasn't really - in the, "geez...I only get them for a few more years and there they go" kinda way.
Another confirmation that homeschooling will be the right choice for our family right year at a time, but right now, we're there.
I love confirmations about decisions in your life, no matter what they're about.

#3 - it was perfect timing, as much as I missed them, to be house hunting and on the phone with property managers asking questions and giving information.
We had just gotten back from vacation so the extra hours 'by myself' were a blessing.
I'm done now - but it was ok for a week ;-)

some things for us to never forget:

#1 - Samantha, except the last day?, would not go to VBS without her clip on earrings, three bracelets and two necklaces - oh. my.
her teachers thought it was cute - I was just laughing - because that's what Samantha makes me do!

#2 - Lydia did not want to go in 'her' class, she was right on the edge of that age group so they let her stay with Samantha and her friends. I didn't care - it's VBS - not the National Spelling Bee, right!?

#3 - when telling me about the stories they were learning I emphasised, "from the Bible, right!?".....both Lydia and Samantha answered together, "no?".
hee hee...

#4 - I think they missed us too. There were huge hugs and squeals every day we came to pick them up (early, of course, because we had time to spare and we missed them so bad!)

ok. that's all.
I remember VBS being one of my fav' memories as a kid and I hope it is for our girls too!
Thanks First Pres.!
You did great - my girls loved their Ms. Molly!


Courtney said...

loved your thoughts and comments! my kids have their last night tonight (it's at night...weird, huh??)

Missy said...

Sydaleigh loved VBS!! She's been listening to the cd they sent home and she's been doing all the dance moves they taught her, it's adorable! I will be taking her back their next summer.