Monday, June 14, 2010

a coin phrase

I have a coin phrase/idea.

The cuter the kid, the more challenging the behavior.

And can I just say that Nora and Sophie have been really really really cute lately?


I walked into the living room today to find this:
I did not tell them to take a nap or to lay down or time out or anything.
And they are both conked out!

While riding bikes one will say to the other:
"Hey, let's pretend we're sisters riding bikes outside, k?"
and the other will say, "ok!"

cute. cute. cute.

and they beg for
'pig tail braids' and they mix up him/his, mr/mrs, counting and all kinds of things I hope they never correct.

really really cute.

and they cuter they get the....

we keep having to remind ourselves....'they're three, they're three, they're three, they're three, there's two of them, there's two of them, there's two of them'

I will be throwing a really really really 'cute' party when they turn four.
I'm just sayin'.


Courtney said...


bailey begs for pigtail braids, too! and i have TIME now...since i'm not exercising ;-)

4 has been easier than 3 with her...but she's!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I miss them!