Friday, June 18, 2010

I've lost them

for at least a week
probably more

we found this hummongo doll house at a thrift store today for
SIX dollars!

I didn't know where it was going to go but I knew we were taking it home, right?

so anyway, we are playing with it in sets of two at a time

and my picture taking has been so bad lately due to the fact that my battery charger walked away.
the nerve.
another one is ordered and on it's way, until then you get my fabulous phone pictures
(which, when you're outside isn't too shabby!? the lavender pictures were all phone pictures!)

this one, on the other hand, ugh...

I say again,
SIX dollars!?

1 comment:

Beccy said...

That so beats my $20 motorcycle. :o)