Sunday, July 11, 2010

a Sunday afternoon at Burke Lake Park

carousel rides!

some marriage therapy...for Jake
(he kept 'mentioning' that the World Cup was on and I kept 'mentioning' that I didn't make him come ;-)

(she really does love him...A LOT!)

an adorable train ride!

awesome playground in the shade.
what makes it 'awesome'?
(I already did my work out today)

a little peek-a-boo-nora

Lydia dragging daddy favorite picture of the day!
oh how they adore their daddy!

picnic dinner.
the girls ate food, we ate the girls, we couldn't help it, they were so darn yummy!

that's all from the Panter clan today!


Amy said...

You got some great pictures, girlfriend!! I love the one of you and Jake!! (the first one) :) You both look so cute and so happy!

Missy said...

Whoa, Samantha looks like she's two years old again in that picture of Jake kissing her face. Something about the way she's sitting and her face, I don't know, it's so cute though! And, Jake has some mad eyebrow skills! Cute pictures of you too..made me giggle. :)

Team Summers said...

HOLLY... you look AWESOME!!!