Monday, November 29, 2010

some Christmas LOVES!

(all the reddish purple or blue words are links, just click on the words and like magic! you'll be transported!)

Coal...the nice kind.
Buy a box of coal and inadvertently give someone a life-saving, money making, poverty fighting stove!

Write a letter to an imprisoned Christian in another country wishing them a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
(I realize how insensitive that may sound, but if I was in prison for my faith, I'd want to know my Christian brothers and sisters were out there, praying for me, loving me doing what they could to help FREE me....I'll do a post soon on the effects of receiving letters in prison from the US while in foreign's HUGE)
It's so so so so costs about $1 in stamps.
GO HERE, they'll hook you don't even have to think about what to write!
I have done it, it rocks, you should be cool and do it too.

my favorite
Pandora Station for Christmas so far is the:
Sara Groves Christmas Station


Samantha LOVES this game.

Really Good Knock-off American Girl Clothes
love her prices, she has some great 'basics'!

we LOVE THESE coloring and activity books.
I use several things from Rod and Staff for school, if you're a homeschooler, check out their readers and the books that go with them, we LOVE.
If you're not, I'd still tell you to check out the readers and coloring books for stocking stuffers - I love how gentle they are.

Artwork Notepads from PinHole Press
instead of uploading a photo, try uploading some scanned in art work that you have laying around the house....if you don't have kids then me thinks YOU could even doodle something fun!
LOVE the way mine are turning out!

Charlie and Lola
DVD's, books, games, etc. produced by the BBC...they ALL make us laugh, we LOVE them!

Listening to this AUDIO BOOK by Brock and Bodie Theone.
The Fifth Seal...a historical fiction about Jesus birth.
LOVE it!

and I have now officially wasted WAY too much time, but I hope it helped you save some time!!!
there's more, I'll post it another time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Akhirnya, mendapatkan apa yang saya cari! Saya pasti menikmati setiap sedikit itu. Senang aku tersandung ke dalam artikel ini! senyum saya harus Anda simpan untuk memeriksa hal-hal baru yang Anda posting.