Sunday, June 26, 2011


That is how many miles our first real bike ride was today.

That is how many miles everyone rode and mommy ran.
Most of it mommy was also pulling one of the twins handle bars. 
(various reasons...fear, sandy gravel, being a wuss tiredness and then I just started pulling them out of habit)

Not the smartest idea for a girl who ran 4.7 miles before church this morning and is also in hard core physical therapy for a set of hip joints that just ain't playin'.

but but but...

other than my little was a SUCCESS!

we rode to the park on our neighborhood trail system, played for about 20 min's and rode/ran home.
so fun! can't wait to try again!

 I need better pictures of this but here is Sophie literally hoisting HERSELF up into the baby swing.
It appears my "Mammoth Woman" title is not only a title but genetic as well.

was attempting to get all four in here:



Missy said...

Isaak dreams about the day we can all go on bike rides together like this...but I'm just dreaming about the day when Marvelly will finally be able to reach the pedals. I remember the first day you attempted to try this in your "other" neighborhood here, and look at y'all now! Eek!! This is huge! Like up there with great long car rides. :~)

And it does appear you have passed along your mammoth strength!

charlaruwe said...

Wow, great accomplishment. Can the twins ride without training wheels or are they too young yet? We've also been attemping bicycle rides as a family and it's a challenge here too. If we could get Courtney to ride without her training wheels, she would be able to stay up with the rest of us, but we're not there yet.