Friday, June 24, 2011

girls at the mall...

....I am back to my original phone # now.
....Verizon was baaaad.

That meant a trip to the mall to switch some stuff out.

my kids are cute.

when you're the second person in the store at 9:30am all four of your kids can have their own computer!
it was beautiful I tell ya, beautiful.

 Samantha believes crowns are meant to be worn at every occasion possible.  I can't say I disagree.
 Nora crown, Sophie headband.

We walked past someone dressing a mannequin and the dress had fallen down just a wee bit too far,
hee hee hee:

Yep. I agree with her.
Even in Burger King, where they have crowns, it's better to have your own.
(tell me, please, WHO wants to wear a Transformers crown?!)
We stopped at a consignment store someone had told me about on the way home and 
I've missed me a good consignment store!
I have to content with bunches 'o traffic to get there, but it was worth it.
Lydia and Samantha scored some new pink shoes: 

and as usual, Lydia is all about comfort, no matter the cost to fashion and Samantha is all about fashion, no matter the cost to comfort:
(yes, I think Lydia's shoes are fashionable...and for some reason the red and pink look adorable in this picture but trust me, in real life it wasn't quite as chic)

what, exactly, was this post about?


no clue.


Missy said...

I think all you were missing in that pic of you with the crown was your microphone. Because anyone who wears a crown needs a microphone. Those are the rules.

Stacy said... answer your question....
But no one else!