Wednesday, February 20, 2013


we got our first Sierra-Nevada foothills snow fall!
we are at about 3,000 ft here so we only get some snow.
it was 30 degrees yesterday and 52 degrees today.
THAT is my kinda snow!

our backyard....
seriously, this was from inside peeking my head out the door:
 Violet says NO WAY...
oh, and this picture is a lie.
she rarely comes out of her crate right now, she has kennel cough, a stupid bacterial thing dogs get in's gross.
she's on meds now but still, this is a lie:
 side yard:
 snow ice cream!
 the truth:
the girl has some for reals splits!

 a picture the girls made together for the rescue organization we are working with:
(the little angel doggie is Jackie, she was the dog of our personal volunteer, Jody. Jackie passed away yesterday! so sad)
Lydia did the lettering
Samantha did the dogs
Lenora did the sun and clouds
Sophie did the grass, flowers, tree and sky
I did the cutting and gluing...go me.

and isn't this taking the identical twin thing too far?
after dinner I noticed that they both had the exact same spot and exact same size of beans on their face:
Nora on the left, Sophie on the right.

We have twins?
How did that happen!?


Liza said...

Good job, Mama :) I love that art work. And Nora and Sophie's faces are totally adorable in that last picture.

Courtney said...

that art is awesome!!!!!