*started out a very stressful busy weekend, ended up being a peaceful quiet one
(thanks to a few emails from me asking to reschedule some plans! that's not easy for me to do, I carry around the guilt of not being a 'woman of my word' for days, but then....then I can look back on weekends like this with peace and know for sure it was the right thing to do!)
*No huge long run, but a few small fun ones. I have new shoes now, I'll be back on track this week! New shoes are the BOMB. Oh..and the new pink shirt doesn't hurt either. Oh...and the 60-70 degree weather isn't too shabby! (why does running gear COST that much!? geez!)
*Our pastors sermon was on gluttony this morning, you can expect to see a few pounds dropped from this girl soon...man he was tough! Biblical...but TOUGH.
*spent the afternoon at the park today while daddy shot the basketball around, Lydia and Samantha were pretending to 'spank' each other, Nora and Sophie were in twin world and I watched the younger moms of 1 child gawk at Lydia and Samantha's game (I could have stopped them but they were just being silly and I was enjoying the 'gawking' ;-) mean, I know!) and then two hours later we left with three children melting down (it had nothing to do with the spanking game, I assure you) - it's been a while since we left anywhere with anyone melting down - Jake and I were actually laughing and a little confused. Ah.....not sorry those days of more frequent melt-downs are behind us.
*the girls and I were adventurous on Friday and tried this YUMMY El Salvadorian restaurant right by our house - it was AWESOME! and we got out of there for cheaper than McD's. (all the pictures are from that excursion - which was followed up by my weekly trip to Trader Joe's - it was a happy day!)
can I count ethnic excursions like that as part of school?
don't answer...'cause I'm gonna!
can I count ethnic excursions like that as part of school?
don't answer...'cause I'm gonna!
Oh my, we did a girls night to this San Salvador restaurant a few months ago and it was amazing! I'm sure the black beans were dripping with bacon grease....but they were so dang good I didn't care! I was like, "mmm, these beans are amazing!" and Kara and Liz were dying with laughter saying, "yeah, bet ya don't know what's in 'em!" Stupid meat.
Hoping your ethnic excursion was as yummy as ours was.
And I'm lovin' SNora's little red and white checkered shirt. So cute, does it come in adult size?
of course it counts as school! If you come visit the Springs again we can go to the African International market, run by a sweet couple from Ghana, and have fufu--it's great!
Is your Pastor's sermon somewhere online?? I've been in need of a good gluttony sermon! I think I struggle with eating...
of course those count as school!
i'd also like the link online to the sermon...:-)
and YAY for new running shoes! they make me ridiculously happy!
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