Wednesday, March 2, 2011


 headed to the Cooks in a bit for a Dr. Suess party!

Lydia is Cat in the Hat
(just use your imagination people...the red hat I ordered didn't come in time, Dollar Tree came to the rescue thanks to St. Patty's day, mk!?  And this is Lydia we're talking about - the girl loves to be just a little off, it is perfect on her!)
Samantha is Sally - because she's always easy like that!

Nora (1) and Sophie (2)...well what did you think they would be!?

we were gonna do the whole wig thing but Wal-mart had these bows for $1 each.
um...decision made.
I made their shirts - so fun.

our contribution to the party - "One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish...." Jello cups!

supplies: clear cups, Sweedish Fish, blue Sharpie, glelatin and white grape juice:

(actually, they look a tad creepy - but shhhh...don't tell them)
we'll drowned the fish in whipped cream when we get there - maybe then they won't be as creepy?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. SUESS! Generations later, we still love you!


Liza said...

Your fish remind me of poor Olivia! :(

Adorable costumes!

Liz W. said...

so stinkin cool!!