Thursday, May 5, 2011

my 'legs'

Dr.'s orders.
'No running for 10 days'.

I'm having kind of a sad week in the whole running department.

I've struggled with hip/pelvic/leg pain since the birth of the twins.
It used to just come and go, it never really stopped me from doing much, until recently.

I've been actively running now for a couple of years (what!? me!?) and the pain in that 'region' has slowly gotten worse and worse.

Now, I feel the pain, ALL THE TIME.
It moves, it's varies in intensity, it's annoying and for a few weeks now, it's gotten to the point where it's hindering my activity level.

I actually went to the Dr. for it (um...I don't 'do' that.).
The first visit I left in frustrated tears.  My primary care manager (aka a Nurse Practitioner) said things like, "well, I'm not sure (and added a long confused pause)"...."I think (in a 'lost' tone of voice) you should stop running? yea, yea, you should stop" and on and on she went with the weak responses and lost answers.  I asked her for x-rays FOUR TIMES and she reluctantly gave them to me.  For my lower back....which I only discovered once I got the the X-ray machine thingy.
For the record, I never said anything about my back and she even poked my back, asked if it hurt and I said NO.
I asked about Chiropractic care and she (in other words) told me that because I wasn't the military member, I wasn't 'allowed' to have that kind of care.  Uh huh....

So, I left with x-rays that won't show anything (and didn't...good news, my back looks good ;-) and a 'prescription' for Physical Therapy because "they'll be able to diagnose you".  WHAT!?

(Oh, and you can't get into PT for 20-30 the way.)

(Oh, and don't forget the bottle of 800mg Motrin that the military clinics might as well set up a vending machine for!)

So, basically, I was given pain meds, x-rays that show nothing and a nice pat on the back.

(Oh, and the girls got stickers ;-)

And I still hurt.
And it continues to get worse.

12 days later, I was hurting even more.
I had not stopped running but had pulled back considerably.
(some research I had done on my own led me to think that running might not be hurting or helping, specifically and it hurts more to not move than it does to move, sort of.)

Someone had suggested another doctor, in the same back I went.

And I loved her.
And I don't typically love doctors.
But I loved her.

She immediately got me HIP/PELVIC x-rays.
Told me to stop running, but only for 10 days...not forever.
Wants to eventually get me and MRI (but it's the military, we have to check some boxes, I'm checking away right now).
Gave me more Motrin but only 600mg and only for pain as needed
(all my military sisters: pick your jaws up off the floor now.).


I am still headed to Physical Therapy but now may have the chance to be seen earlier...they're 'working on it'.

I'm still in pain.
I won't be able to run the 1/2 Marathon I've been planning and training for for MONTHS.
That makes me sad and frustrated.

It is temporary.
I feel like I have a doctor on my 'case'.
Someone who will continue with me until we figure it out, someone who won't just pat me on the back and say "I'm sorry" but will aggressively get 'er done.
And, we are so blessed in so many other ways, that I'm doing my best to check myself and not complain.
I need to work on the not complaining about our health care (like, really need to work on it)!

I can still WALK!!!! So, walk I will.
For 10 days.

we'll see!


Anonymous said...

Ah, I feel your pain. It is so hard to give up something you have come to love doing - even if only temporarily. I have had to give up Jazzercise with this pregnancy and have switched to walking instead (and Pilates). Hang in there, friend. Praying for no more pain and healing for you! --Tina

Mom B said...

Holly, so sad about your run. I know that you were working so hard for that. Praise God for a competent Doctor! They so exist and your persistence paid off here!
I'll be praying for a solid diagnosis, so that you will soon be pain free!