Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

the Panters Christmas saga Part Deux.

We showed up to the first of two Christmas Eve services our church was having only to discover that it was standing room only.
Like, there were over 200 people without chairs.
Like, the worship team could feel the heat from the candles from where they stood.

that's what I call 'max occupancy'.
we left.
no joke.
twice in one season that the Panters have been rejected.

We headed to the nearest Chinese food restaurant ;-).
It was mostly a take out place so we ate on styrofoam plates.
BUT, we had the WHOLE place to ourselves.

An hour later, we headed back to church, early this time.
Got second row seats so the girls could see.

30 min's in, Samantha had to use the bathroom.
(remember, second row)
10 more minutes after Jake got back with her, she had to go again.

So, he took her.
Only this time he didn't bring her back.
Which means she missed the candles.

Poor Jake.
Poor Samantha.
Jake didn't think it was bothering her until it was all over - THEN she started to sob.
I was just a teeny bit upset.
A lot.

But, we all got over ourselves.....because it was Christmas Eve and once again, going with the theme of our week, there is a bigger picture and we are going to focus on it dang it.

 three of our fortune cookies said this:
buah ha ha ha ha ha....
you funny God.

 boy were we ready for Silent Night by the time we got these lit!
(yes, I'm 'that' mom - camera out and snappin' a few here and there while my children are burning live flames in a very crowded room)

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