Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just gets better

ok, so Jake and I got on the road early in order to have a whole two days to ourselves.
good plan, yes. did it work, no.

So, Kansas doesn't eat breakfast and Louisiana Bed and Breakfasts don't want you to stay with them.
I feel like I need a travel journal with this type of info in it.

We called for days ahead of time and no one would answer or call us back. We even went to the door and no one answered. Nice.

So, the Sleep Inn it was. Right next to a baby that cried itself to sleep and was crying again at 6:30am. Oh yea. I am not exaggerating.
Jake also had to be at the church at 12p for a 4p wedding which meant that we ate breakfast, scouted out the house his mom was born in (randomly in the same town...very cool.) and that was 'our' day together. again, Nice.

so, I spent three hours looking for Dillard's, buying a gift and getting back to the hotel. Three hours because it's Louisiana and the roads are indescribable so I spent 2 of those hours lost.

Relaxing, No.
Worth it? Yes. It's always neat to see someone you care about getting married and embarking on this cool adventure called marriage.

Learning a lot on this trip....more than I can even write here.
It's not a 'vacation' ...we will need one of those when we get home but it's all been worth it!


Unknown said...

holly, so sorry it has been rough. and i know exactly what you mean about a vacation after the vacation (especially when you look at the piles of laundry you bring home!). i hope the rest of your trip goes better. miss you . . .

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

I love your frankness! You have a real gift in writing and sharing your story!!!

Anonymous said...

hey holly. I made a blog just to keep my mind going in one direction. its