Friday, January 11, 2008


there is wind of the next move around here,
that means it's time to purge and purge I am.

If I didn't know I had it, it's gone, if I haven't used it in 6 months (and it's not seasonal), it's gone, if I don't like it anymore, it's gone, if it's broken, it's gone, if it's in my way, it's gone....

to exclude the girls, of course (well, maybe :-)

(the 'sparkly pile' - a.k.a 'Christmas decorations' - that was on my table in November and laid on the basement floor for weeks after Christmas is now sparkling up the inside of the rubbermaids until next year - YIPEE!)


Anonymous said...

Move? I hear Dayton is lovely this time of year. Well, that's not necessarily true, but hey, there's no snow right now, which should count for something!

Anonymous said...

I second Amber's motion! And technically its been kind of warmer this week! haha -Erika G.

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

Sweet words of inspiration to this closet hoarder! M is flying tonight and once B is out for the count I'm going to attack some piles Holly-style... love it!

Naomi Haverland said...

Hola to you too! You do have quite a family of cuties. My heart ached for you when I read the "How does she do it" post. I have been there too.... well HALF been there- since I only have two. About a year ago, I began to emerge from the fog... they can be precious darling babies, but like your friend said, I wouldn't go back.
Good to see you in the blog world! Keep it up, mama!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! Just do a head count when you are done, just in case you get too swept up in the spirit...


Anonymous said...

Ahem. What's this talk of moving? I don't like it. :(

Anonymous said...

I third the Dayton comment :) You know...just sayin :)

LOVE you!