Tuesday, February 26, 2008


ok, I'm not playing favorites but I have just been tagged three times and rather than do all three I just took the one I liked the most and am counting it for all three! (is that allowed, are there tagging rules?)

I was tagged by my friend MJB to answer the following questions:

Four jobs I have had in my life:
Waitress, Receptionist, Sales, Retail

Four movies I could watch over and over:
Becoming Jane, Pride and Prejudice, A Walk to Remember (I only have three, sorry)

Four places I have lived:
(how about I just list them all?)
Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, Germany, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Ohio, & Nebraska
(did you notice I have hit all the O states?!)

Four shows that I watch:
Jericho, October Road (that's all, I can't do a lot of TV!)

Four places I have been:
Switzerland, Greece, Mexico, Disneyworld....

Four people who email me regularly:
Ginger, Christy, Jake, Mom

Four of my favorite foods:
Eggs, Chocolate, Cheese anything, Mexican anything

Four places I would rather be right now:
A warmer place, A warmer place, A warmer place, A warmer place (I'm not picky, really)

Four things I'm looking forward to in the next 12 months:
One more kid completely out of diapers (almost there!), a 'not pregnant' summer!!!!!, a move maybe, a vacation with Jake

Four goals for the New Year:
healthy eating, water water water, clearer focus in life/on Christ, purge stuff

Four gifts I got for Christmas:
a 'treat' platter with holly on it (loved it!), perfume, jewelry, movies

Four places I want to visit:
Africa, Ireland, England, mainland Greece

Four things I wish I could be better at:
healthy eating/right focus, money management, stairs, driving

4 Things You Don't Know About Me:
(I have a loud mouth and I blog....is there anything you don't know???)
I actually LIKE to camp, I like to exercises, I can drink about 2 liters of water without stopping or breathing, it's a dream of mine to be a national/public speaker to women and to write a book.

4 Things I Can Cook Without a Recipe:
Spinach Artichoke Dip, Enchiladas, Salsa, Marshmallow Fondant

4 Musicians/Groups I Really Like:
Selah, Cheri Keggy, all the stuff that Jake gets me (I don't know the names or groups, just all the words!) - lots of indie stuff


Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

I'm so glad that you have the goal of writing a book and public speaking... you would be FABULOUS at both! So good to learn more about you! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that you want to be a public speaker...that's one of my dreams too!! (I don't really want to write a book though :) haha) Thinking of you & CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!! -Erika G.

Coolestmommy said...

I think it counts. Since I tagged you, too, I must admit I have no clue if there are rules. Let's make up our own. :-)