Wednesday, April 16, 2008


why do I find myself, several times a day, everyday, asking my three year old what my two year old just said because I can't understand what the two year old is saying/asking/demanding?

why do I bother to do anyone's hair?

why does everyone feel the need to immediately take off the 8 socks and 8 shoes I JUST put on?
do they not get it that we don't go to the park without shoes?

why is it that no one feels the need to even touch the banana that they asked for in the first place, let alone eat it, finish or want it?

why does everything have to be asked for in the most dramatic voice possible?

why does Sophie feel like everything belongs to her and it must be her mission to get it all back!?

why does my three year old need to know 'why'? ;-)



Stacy said...

* be thankful God gave you a live-in interpretter! I have one too.

* Because it makes you feel like you at least attempted to make them look presentable.

*Because barefeet is so much more fun. Let them walk barefoot to learn...then provide the shoes and socks when they are ready.

*Ah...the ignored banana. Because moms need to find them 2 months later behind the dresser and go..."What on earth is this?"

*Because drama is part of a toddler and we as mothers react.

*can't answer the sophie question for you. sorry.

*Just know it doesn't end at 3.

Anonymous said...

Because if all of this wasn't happening you would have nothing to blog about and I would have nothing to read about while being stuck inside with cranky, poopy pants toddler. I know it is stressful for you but I am thankful you share it with us! I will take a prayer break now and put you at the top of the list!

Anonymous said...

Brad gave me a look this morning when I told Caden "not to ask why" (thats how they learn, blah, blah, blah). To which I gave him the "you don't answer the question 500 times a day" look! ;-)

Tera said...

Okay you truly are an inspiration to watch. But because I have often found myself asking those similar questions, I have some new ones that I had to start considering.
Why does the Lord have such confidence in me to raise these amazing children?
Why do those quiet moments of snuggles and hugs go so fast, and I can't ever seem to get enough?
Why do my children have to grow up when I just get them to an age I LOVE!!
Why does being a mom mean I have to hurt so much, love so much, learn so much, and feel so much?
Why do I love what I do and still find time to wail WHY ME!!?
And last but not least why have I been given such great friends who feel my pain, see my joy, and can really empathize with the hard parts and shout praises during my wins.
We are there empathizing and singing your praises about your wins!! Keep your chin up!! Have a great day.

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

I SO hear you on the bananna thing sister! And I'm a kookie intuative eating type who tries really hard never to cooerce my kiddo into eating something he doesn't want but this madness is about to drive me to inact a crazy "I peel it, you eat it" rule!