Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Creek

I can't remember where Jake and the big girls were, but one day just Sophie, Nora and I went down to the creek on the property and spent hours just playing with dirt and dragonflies and water and sticks and the camera!


Missy said...

Muddy bums and feet and hands are the best. There is no better toy than mud in our opinion. :)

Amy said...

I love the muddy bum! :) You have a had a busy time lately!! Hopefully you're settling back into somewhat of a routine at home. (and getting caught up on your blogging!)

Courtney said...

love this post! we love creeks :-)

on a random note, bailey laughed today and then said, "mom! that sounded like the 4 girls when they laugh!" i didn't catch it til a few seconds later. then stopped and made her do it DOES sound like them laughing! she's GOT it! :-)