My counter thing says I have over 1,000 readers a day.
Are there 20 that would actually do something for me!?
(and if you've already done it for another blog, it won't count...I'm lookin' for 20 newbies
newbies meaning new to AdVenture Project, not to my blog)
are you there!?
Ya know how sometimes you get overwhelmed by world hunger, world thirst, world 'lack of ____' and you just want to DO SOMETHING!?
But some times all it feels like you can do is give more money....again?
No money required
(only if you feel inclined! even then, do whatever amount hits ya $1, $5, $100...really, anything)
20 minutes or less IS required though.
Do I have 20 people with 20 minutes???
Please Please Please say I do because this is so easy and yet soooooo big.
(don't let the easy numb you into thinking that it's not a big deal, it's good and it's true this time!!!)
Have you heard of these guys? The AdVENTURE Project
if you don't have time to read up on it, it goes a little like this:

The Adventure Project is a non-profit organization established to increase investments in positive social enterprises around the world....to raise awareness and funds to support the world’s most-effective social ventures.

A journey to end extreme poverty by supporting the world’s most effective social ventures
it was founded by a really really precious friend of mine!
ok. that's them in a nut shell...they switch focus every quarter.
this quarter:
irrigation pumps for rural farmers in Kenya
that when used increases the farmers income but 1000% (really!)
Here's the whole scoop if you want some really fun facts to look at and really neat pictures of the pump itself/links to Kickstart that actually makes the pump.
Ok. I'm trying to share info without overwhelming my precious 20 but am I giving enough info?
This 'no money' opportunity goes like this:
Bill Gates and his foundation put out a challenge for organization and individuals to create an online game to raise awareness about life changing farming techniques.
So, the Adventure Project put one together and if 1,000 people PLAY but next Tuesday over $14,000 (and growing!) will go to buying pumps.
Every $60 given to Kickstart gets one person out of poverty!!! (14,000+ / 60!?)That's a LOT of people out of poverty and it will take you 20 mins!
Do I still have 20 people!?
Let's play.
Step One:
You go to ABOUT.ME (just click on that).
You create an about.me account.
It's an online business card.
So, you put a picture up there, a little bio about you (as little or as much as you want) and link theadventureproject.org to your profile (along with any other sites you want).
It'd be great if you could mention how
investing in small farmers in the developing world is a solution to reducing hunger and poverty.
Step Two:
Register your about.me account (each 'card' has it's own web address, that is what your 'account' is) HERE.
(if you only took 10 min's doing this then check out this page for a step three, four or five!
The actual game is to get 1,000 people to sign up with about.me and use the card to raise awareness that investing in small farmers in the developing world is a solutions to reducing hunger and poverty.
Set up your 'card', post it to the adVENTURE project website and you're done.
the $14,000 + comes from people who placed bets on whether or not we'd get 1,000 people.
You can place a bet or not.
If you place a bet, the amount goes up.
If you don't, the money goes no where without the 1,000 people so just your about.me profile is HUGE to have.
DO I HAVE 20!!!!?????
I'm kinda scared that this is too easy.
That someone will look at it and not prioritize it because of it's simplicity.
Ok...now that that's out of my system.
Here we go:
I've never done a giveaway!?
what am I doing!?
phew...I really want this to happen.
20 people!!!! (or dare I hope for more!?)
and if you don't comment and I know you well, I will start calling out names....
you know I will!
$50 Target Gift card
a little something we can all use.
Just like these farmers could really use a pump!
20? more?
are you out there?
don't make me call your name!
I'll do it Holly! Good luck girl :)
I'm clearly not a newbie but I don't care. I'm doing this anyways. This wasn't just for newbies was it?! And I already did it. Took me 20 minutes.
easy peesy.
I did it.
I tweeted it.
I pledged it.
made it.
tweeted it.
waiting to pledge it.
such an awesome organization!
Newbie here.
I did it!
And I blogged about it.
Saw your giveaway linked on Jody's blog. I just created the about me profile. Here it is:
and I tweeted about it. @5murnanes
ryanemurnane @verizon dot net
count me in. will post once I'm done
I'm a newbie!! And I did it!! And I made it my facebook status! Super easy & super cool! :)
but I couldn't get a picture up. Anyway, I'm registerd!!!!
we are up to twelve!!!
eight more to go!
I did it, but don't know how to sign up for the Gift card Giveaway.
Is this all I need to do?
Sorry to be so late but I did it this morning. It's been on my desktop all week. Finally caught 20 minutes to help out.
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