Wednesday, June 8, 2011

just kidding...

ok...I know I said soccer was over but now I really mean it!
apparently Field Day in soccer is just slang for, 'last game day'.
now I know.

oh..and it was about 100 degrees outside.

 Sophie found a way to stay cool:
 I finally got pictures of Samantha!!!
(she has no idea I'm there taking this picture.  she just smiles through every sport.
it's ADORable)

 a little black and white action.
still playing with this here camera, still learning...there's so much I want to know!
(check out the lost shoe!?)
we are gross.
we are resting then we'll head to the pool to 'cool' off.

Virginia is hot.
the end.


Missy said...

That last picture is just dreamy. I love it.

Sharon said...

What?! No hair-chewing this time?