we dunked ourselves in the pool for an hour...because we were hot, sticky and sweaty:
speaking of 'sticky'
my girls were walking political bill boards by the end of the day!
we headed to a local high school for fireworks after dinner.
getting there.
finding a great spot.
fun. easy.
hanging out as a family waiting for the show.
fun! easy!
the fireworks display.
very fun, it was the city's 50th anniversary so it was a BIG show!
getting kicked in the bag, hair pulled and having two sides of our blanket sat on by complete strangers.
it's a big city thing.
a big city full of.....of very 'different' cultures.
there are times that that is really fun....this is just not one of them.
we're having fun in this city but I will be really REALLY ready to leave when it's time.
until then, we will not be attempting these fireworks again....
here are all the fun parts:
we decided that we need to work on the Air Force theme song ;-)
"I gotta feelin'....that tonight's gonna be a good night...."
(it was a really really good band!!
we danced!)
waiting in line for the shuttle...FOR.ever.
the whole day was great, but I do wish I could have a do over on where we went for fireworks.
just so we end this on a fun note.
the girls had their picture taken for two newspapers (that I know of)!!!
and they loved every minute of the day....
Lydia laughed hysterically through the entire fireworks show, I've never seen a kid do that, it was adorable.
And Nora and Sophie had a running competition all day long on who could point out the most "American Fag's!".
Happy Fourph of July 2011.
remember last year??? one of my favorite "fourth's" ever!!!
Definitely saw some of those creepers a little close to the blanket there.
And you have a really great 4th to remember and look back on, even if it wasn't this years. :~) Go back to the Potomac. Or, come back here and Jake can blow up corn on the cob with Isaak while we all watch and do sparklers.
Nice orange socks by the way. :~)
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