Sunday, January 29, 2012

true statement:

on an adventure the the Library of Congress, tucked neatly behind the US Capitol:

"Ya know, it takes me a long time of being in the house to want to get out and go do something but only a little bit of 'this' to make me want to go back home" 
-Jake Panter
Jan 28, 2012

the library was beautiful.
the weather was perfect.
the company was superb.

the three FBI SUV's and four cop cars racing by us on the way to lunch ________?

the failed attempt to go to a 'famous' DC joint (Ben's Chili Bowl) because we were a tad fearful for our safety in that part of town and the line spilling down the street at 2pm was just a bit much _________?

the random traffic on a Saturday afternoon in non-tourist season_________?

if you don't have anything nice to say don't ______________.

it's ok now though.
because now....we knew that was all coming and we have back up plans.
we're pro's now.
YOU DON'T OWN US! We've driven four hours to be turned away at Busch Gardens.
You can't scare us DC.

back up plan.
we head to our comfort zone.
Old Town Alexandria. Thank. you. very. much.

and we get our adventure fix by trying yet another new restaurant down there.
which, just happens to also be famous.
we just didn't know until we went in and the owner told us so through his super thick Irish accent and jolly laughter.

love that pocket of this town.
really really love it.

turned out to be a perfect adventure after all.

oh...and for the record by perfect I just mean 'a great memory was made' and a great memory was made because I am choosing to erase from my memory all the whining that took place.
all the "I want to go home now"'s, the "I'm hungry"'s, the "I'm so tired"'s...etc...
they are gone. poof.
and just like that, we had an awesome day.

yes, I only got one picture.
I was focusing really really hard to get rid of those whining statements and it took all my energy to 'poof'.
Plus, just like in most of the museums, you can't really take pictures.

maybe you should just come see us and we'll take you there!?
because after this post, I'm sure you're all dying to visit....ha!


Erika C. said...

I am always dying to visit! :)

Courtney said...

but that is one AMAZING picture!