Tuesday, November 20, 2012


this just happened:

 but this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and this...

 did not happen.

 a cleaned out/ready to pack school room happened though:

 and, in case you're wondering, the girls room is:

still hoping to get 10lbs of mashed potatoes made tonight and an entire photo session edited.

can she do it?
will it happen?

her cold says NO.
her will says YES.

Lydia is reading over my shoulder....I just sent her away so I could write about her.
She read all this and said, "yeah, but don't you have a whole nother day to cook and stuff?"
me: "yes, but I have way more than just potatoes to make so I was going to get those done tonight"
her: "oh, well, I can help you ya know.  I don't have anything planned tomorrow. usually I do, huh, but tomorrow I don't so...."
me: "Awesome! I'm so glad your schedule is clear!"


Missy said...

Oh.my.gosh!! That is A LOT of leaves! I was cringing just looking at them all. And being all damp and mucky...ugh, picking up leaves is the worst!

But I'm glad you're getting stuff done...that's gotta feel good!

Liza said...

Haha, Super Woman and Super Girl, Jr. Glad you have the helpers you do :)

Stacy said...

That is just a lot of leaves. Maybe there won't be so many in California!!

Holly said...

btw...It all got done ;-)