Tuesday, May 28, 2013

unexpected AHmaZing weekend.

I have three new best friends.
If you've ever talked with me for more than 10 min's you'll figure out that I use the words 'best friends' a lot.

But I never lie when I use them.
I just have a lot of them, that's all.
And now I have even more.

On Saturday night, Bekah, Marcia and Chelle entered my home for a weekend but my heart forever.

see, look, we even took pictures to solidify the deal:

I know Bekah 'cause my best friend, Melissa (see, there it is again), is best friends with Bekah.
I have been in email and blog love with Bekah for while now and we know each other through technology but have never hugged until this weekend.
Do not overrate hugging.
Especially if it's Chelle.
best. hug. ever.

A few of these ladies live in Portland and one in Kansas City.
They all met up in Portland and drove straight to our house.
'cause they couldn't think of anything better to do than go to a complete strangers home on their Memorial day break.
'er something like that.

but seriously, it was an awesome idea.
check out what our little town does for Memorial Day!
I love it!

when you come in to my home, it's now yours.
and sometimes that means cuddling up in the kitchen, on the floor, with a blanket.
and you might be sandwiched by little girls - that's just how it goes.

speaking of being sandwiched.
It's just what Jesus ordered for some of our hearts this weekend...there was LOTS of sandwiching 
going on.

Note: there was lots of falling in love going on too.
My girls adore these ladies in ways that put my adoration of them to shame.
And if they were ever going to look up to anyone, these ladies would be in my top ten.
(my list would be WAY longer than 10 actually and now that I really think about it, the whole list would be in the #1 place so these ladies are just added to THAT list. My #1 spot 'list'.  Yea, that's better.)

 group sandwich:

 more sandwich:
 documenting the sandwich:
 reviewing the sandwich:

 we even sandwiched on the street:
Bekah, Marcia and Chelle

 (oh, and these three have been connected in life since their early college days/they are from the same area of the country so they came as a packaged deal...which was convenient for me 'cause I just happened to fall in love with them all)

 this one's for you Melissa and Liza...next time, you WILL sandwich with us.
(and Becky...sandwich picture coming soon...like in November?)

 I let Lydia hang with the big girls one afternoon - what a precious time that was for us all.
one of my favorite memories with her to date:

 I had promised Bekah a swim hole and hike if she came.

So, no matter that it was only like 69 degrees and raining, WE JUMPED ANYWAY.
I couldn't have planned that better if I tried.
I was Memorial Day but because it was raining off and on (and by rain I mean sprinkling) NO ONE - almost no one - was out in the river.
so so perfect.
in true Jesus fashion.
We hiked, we jumped in freezing snowy water and we prayed under waterfalls.
and yes, we sandwiched at the bottom of the waterfall too - cold, wet and all.
 I will never forget this.

gosh...it was just so precious.

My heart needed it in ways I couldn't have imagined.
I knew I wanted a weekend like this, I just didn't know how bad I needed it.

So many areas of my head and heart were released from questions, fears and ruts.
I got to use my mad tea making skills and pour endless amounts of Apricot tea down their throats.
I got to spoil them, cook for them and pamper them.

And so many times I was able to pray over and for some new sisters.

Speaking of sisters.
That's how Jake feels - he has three new sisters.
I'm not sure who fell in love with them more, me, him or the girls.
But instead of competing will just add it all up and pour it on.
And they just drove away - and that is both happy and sad.
Driving away = sad.
New best friends and sisters = so happy.


Liza said...

I love it! You all (big and little girls) look so happy and FULL and beautiful - from the inside. So glad you got to do this together! And glad you shared it with us :)

Courtney said...

wow! that DOES look/sounds amazing!!!

Chelle. said...

i dig it. & i concur.
on all of this.
i only wish that i could have stayed longer for more sandwiching.

Missy said...

Well I just had a good cry. Again. :)

I don't even have words. It's just too incredible. I....I just tried to articulate a sentence, but I can't. So I'm just gonna go back to crying...

Jesus is so good. :)

Stacy said...

You make us all want to fall in love with those 3!! What an awesome weekend!! Can't wait for my turn. Someday.

Outside Inn said...

Love the shot of downtown, thanks for the comment on my California Organics giveaway, might have to go find that product!