Monday, March 21, 2011

the girls dance OUTREACH from this weekend

I keep calling their shows 'recitals' but they are actually called 'outreaches' within the community.
old habits die hard.

any way,
here are my little beauties outreaching it up at a local nursing home!

(Sophie is the twin on the left and Nora on the right...from where you sit)

I have watched them about 1,000 times.
It was worth it to miss but I'm still sad I missed this:


Missy said...

I love that there are little boys in there! Boys who can dance are the sweetest! And Lydia had every move down! Twins were adorable. And I couldn't find Samantha. Normally I can spot her anywhere but I missed her Samantha charm during this.
And Jake, I'm assuming you didn't do the girls hair for this? But in the event that you do have mad french braiding skills, I guess there's hope for me yet!

Liza said...

Beautiful! We love those girls so much! Johnathan just sat here with me for the whole's love :)